
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 Memories

I hope that y'all had an awesome 2013.
My year was filled with many GREAT memories.
I wanted to do something cute and simple to remember 2013, so
I thought and decided...
 nothing could be better than filling a mason jar full of my fun memories! 

I ran around my house grabbing supplies for my project.
I finally sat down with my paper, sharpie, scissors, and favorite blue mason jar
and began jotting down memories.
From coffee dates to going to New York City,
I covered all of my favorite memories from 2013.
Writing each memory down brought back the fun and laughter.
It was really a great way to end 2013
 along with watching the ball drop with my family
and completing our annual puzzle that we do together each year on New Year's Eve.
I can't wait to see how wonderful 2014 is.
Now I have my very own Canon Rebel T5i, 
so that might make it a little easier to remember all of my memories that I am going to make.

Happy New Year!

Thank Y'all for Reading,

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